Do not push it back when something comes out of your anus! First aid available at home

Do not push it back when something comes out of your anus! First aid available at home

*The hemorrhoidal symptoms on this page are merely examples, and the emergency treatment is meant as a temporary measure until you can get to a hospital. If you have any of the following symptoms, make sure to go to a hospital. If multiple symptoms occur at once, such as pain and bleeding, try a treatment method for stronger symptoms.

If something sticks out

If you feel like something is coming out of your anus, the most likely candidate is internal hemorrhoids. When pushing during bowel movements, the piles on the inside can come out. Usually, this does not cause pain. If there is no pain even when touching the piles, you can use your hand to push them back inside the anus.

How to push piles back inside

Do not push forcibly

If piles have come out of the anus after a bowel movement, first clean yourself, then, while sitting on the toilet seat, slowly push them back inside with your fingers. Then, stand up while holding them in to ensure they go back in smoothly.

If it is difficult to push piles back in, use a warm water washing toilet seat or a warm shower to warm the anus to make it easier. However, make sure not to use warm water for too long.

If the piles still will not go back in, go to the hospital instead of trying to force them in.

Note that prolapse of rectum can be mistaken for internal hemorrhoids that have come out of the anus, so make sure to go to a hospital instead of trying to diagnose the illness yourself.

This article is supervised by:
Dr. Junichi Iwadare
Dr. Akio Kurokawa
Dr. Rikisaburo Sahara
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