"Pain in the anal area" is a sign of hemorrhoids! Take appropriate care according to pain and symptoms!!

If you feel pain around the anus, you may have hemorrhoids. There are three types of hemorrhoids: "hemorrhoids (piles), anal fissure, and anal fistula." Each type has different degrees of pain and care methods.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids (piles) and anal fissure?

Hemorrhoids (piles) have two types: those formed inside the anus (internal hemorrhoids) and those formed outside the anus (external hemorrhoids). Hemorrhoids (piles) formed inside the anus (internal hemorrhoids)are warty swellings formed in the inner mucosa of the anus. They bleed as an initial symptom but rarely cause pain. For this reason, they tends to be left untreated even with bleeding, but if left untreated, they may worsen and cause severe pain.

Hemorrhoids (piles) formed outside the anus (external hemorrhoids) are warty swellings formed on the outer skin of the anus due to the load at the time of a bowel movement, etc. and cause pain in most cases. Apart from external hemorrhoids, there are external thrombosed hemorrhoids in which a thrombus (blood clot) is suddenly formed around the anus due to an excessive burden on the anus.

Symptoms of anal fissure include severe pain and bleeding at the time of a bowel movement. It does not bleed much, just makes a stain on the toilet paper, but the problem is the pain. Since the skin of the anus (anal epithelium) has pain sensory nerves that sense pain, people feel severe pain whenever a stool passes through the wound. Also, pain causes spasm of the muscles of the inner side of the anus, which causes severe pain.

Care for pain caused by hemorrhoids (piles) and anal fissure

To relieve pain caused by hemorrhoids (piles) or anal fissure, it is effective to warm thebuttocks to improve blood circulation. Instead of just a shower, soak the bottom half of your body in a bath to warm the affected area in warm water. Remember to soak in lukewarm water. If it hurts too much even to get into the bath, hold a warm, wet towel against the affected area or place a disposable heating pad on top of your underpants.

Also, drugs for hemorrhoids contain ingredients that relieve pain, so not only prescription drugs at hospitals but also over-the-counter drugs are effective. In mild cases, the symptoms may improve with drugs, but if the symptoms do not improve, consult a specialist early.

What are the symptoms of anal fistula?

As the symptoms of anal fistula, the perianal site first becomes purulent, pus forms, and the affected area causes intense pain and swelling. Fever of 38℃-39℃ sometimes develops. This is anal abscess which is a step before anal fistula. When anal abscess progresses and accumulated pus leaks out, the symptom are relieved. However, this means that pus tunnels has formed between the inside and outside of the anus and pus continues to discharge. This is anal fistula. At the stage of anal abscess, you cannot take care of it by yourself. So, if these symptoms are suspected, consult a specialist early.

Care for pain caused by anal fistula

It is important to lie on your side and cool the affected area to deal with pain caused by anal fistula or anal abscess. Warming the affected area just like for hemorrhoids (piles) or anal fissure has an opposite effect. Be careful because symptoms will further worsen.

Thus, there are various types of hemorrhoids, and how to deal with them depends on the progress. Find appropriate treatment/care based on the type and degree of your symptoms.

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